The global consulting firm ALG, part of the Indra Group, engaged us to evolve its brand in the digital ecosystem. We started with the rebranding of the company, moving on to the generation of audiovisual content in video and photographic format, finally working on to the design and development of their new website and the application of the brand in multiple formats. All of this was registered in an online brandcenter for global access and download by its multinational team.

ALG is a consulting firm specialized in transportation, infrastructure and logistics with offices in Madrid, Barcelona, ​​São Paulo, Dubai and Mexico. With more than 30 years of experience developing projects for important multinational companies, they asked us to carry out a global rethinking of all their digital communication.

To achieve a better presence of the brand in the online environment, it was necessary to make an adjustment to the ALG logo so that it had more importance and better readability. On the other hand, complementary tones were added to the institutional color palette, more linked to the digital context, giving rise to a more vibrant and modern presence.

We applied the new visual identity to a large number of graphic pieces and company resources, from institutional stationery, master slides in Power Point and Word, Whitepapers, commercial presentations, newsletters, brochures, banners, illustrations, social networks, among others.

All this material was organized in an online repository (Brandcenter) created by Fuego Yámana, to facilitate consultation and access to brand resources and key pieces at a global level.

Regarding the website, the objective was to achieve a page that could transmit ALG’s knowledge and trajectory in each of its practices, in a disruptive and thorough way. To do this, we created a site with 177 pages, 24 success stories, +150 blog notes, 2000 photos and +7 whitepapers, working on the project in 5 stages, starting with the definition of the website tree, generation of visual content, assembly of wireframes, web design and finally development.

For the new website we generated new photography and video content specific to the brand. Thus, sessions were held in the Madrid, Barcelona, ​​São Paulo and Dubai offices, in which work and team scenes were captured, as well as interviews with key people in the company.